Database: Households on Universal Credit

Field: Limited Capability for Work Entitlement


This measures households where one or more claimants are assessed to have limited capability for work (LCW) or limited capability for work and work related activity (LCWRA). They must be receiving an entitlement for either LCW or LCWRA, this measure does not include those who are not receiving payment for these entitlements. There is a sub-breakdown that measures households by the component awarded.

The Work Capability Assessment determines whether an individual has limited capability for work based upon mental and physical health. For those assessed to have limited capability for work there are two levels - limited capability for work component (LCW) and the limited capability for work and work related activity component (LCWRA). A household cannot get both components; they can only get one or the other. If more than one person in the household has a limited capability for work or limited capability for work and work related activity entitlement, the award will only include one component. Where a couple in one household has one adult entitled to LCW and another adult entitled to LCWRA, the household will be awarded the LCWRA component.


Applicable to: All Households

The Limited Capability for Work Entitlement field can take the following values:

Total number of categories: 4

Quality Statement

The LCW or LCWRA measure is subject to retrospection with a lag of up to 2 years.

Households with a LCW component have been identified by observing whether an entitlement to LCW component is recorded; the specific value is not used. The same is true for LCWRA component. The components of Universal Credit associated with a claim have been identified based on the current circumstances of the household according to the latest records held by the department.

Entitlements may change over time as circumstances change.

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